Forgotten. Misunderstood. Feared. Ignored. These are some adjectives that, unfortunately, attach to one of the most precious treasures that Jesus Christ left his Church: the Sacrament of Confession or Reconciliation. This sacrament is where we experience the basic fact of our faith: there is nothing we have done that God's love and mercy cannot make right, provided we are willing to cooperate with his love. Someone once said that there is no saint without a past, and no sinner without a future. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is precisely about that: our future, bright and hopeful, as we entrust our brokenness as human beings to the healing mercy of God.
This sacrament reconciles us with God and joins us to him in intimate friendship. It also reconciles us with the Church and revitalizes her life which we have weakened by our sin. We could say the sacrament also reconciles us with ourselves, as it allows us to grow in the likeness and image of God.
How often should one go to Confession? Well, that depends! However, the Church encourages Catholics to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance at least monthly throughout our lifetime so that we can benefit from the graces obtained through reception of this sacrament.
At St. Benedict, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available:
Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Any day, at your convenience... just call the parish to arrange an appointment with a priest.
First Reconciliation
How we initiate our young people to this sacrament will have a deep impact on how they understand it, and how they will live it throughout their lives. Every year in September, the church invites children in Grade 2 to prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Confession) and Communion. In our Toronto Archdiocese, the practice is for children to prepare for Reconciliation in the same year that they prepare for Holy Communion.
Here at St. Benedict, we proudly offer a Parish-Based Communion process that includes preparation for Reconciliation. The process engages parents and children in various gatherings including a family interview, catechetical sessions and a Church Tour.
Our parish-based process is for a child in Grade 2 who:
is baptized in the Catholic Church or other Christian Church
participates at Mass weekly at St. Benedict Church on Saturday evenings or Sundays,
has an active experience of prayer in the family,
receives religious education at a Catholic school and
will prepare for and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before celebrating First Communion
First Reconciliation is celebrated during the season of Lent before First Communion.
Registration forms are available at the parent meeting each September.
Contact: Antoniette Pace