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Come to the TableEvery year in September, the church invites children in Grade 2 to prepare for their First Holy Communion. Here at St. Benedict, we are proud to offer a Parish-Based Communion process called Come to the Table. This process was developed according to the guidelines provided by our Toronto Archdiocese. It offers a series of catechetical sessions of the children and engages parents and children in various gatherings including a family interview, a church tour, and a Rite of Illumination. Come to the Table is for a child in Grade 2 who: is baptized in the Catholic Church or other Christian Church participates at Mass weekly at St. Benedict Church on Saturday evenings or Sundays, prays at home regularly in the family, receives religious education at a Catholic school and will prepare for and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before celebrating First Holy Communion First Reconciliation is celebrated during Lent. First Communion is celebrated during the Easter season. Registration forms are available at the parent meeting in September. Contact: Antoniette Pace 416-743-3830 X4
ADMA (Devotees of Mary Help of Christians)ADMA is the acronym for Associazione di Maria Ausiliatrice, which translates to Mary Help of Christians Association. Don Bosco founded ADMA in 1869 as a means of connecting Christians to the spirituality and mission of the Salesian Congregation. It was established at St. Benedict’s in 2000. ADMAs primary purpose is spiritual formation and enrichment, offering a way of sanctification and apostolate to lay people. It promotes worship of the Blessed Sacrament and devotion to Mary Help of Christians. Before becoming official members of ADMA, candidates undergo a year of preparation and are admitted officially into the Association when they make their solemn promise to be a faithful member. ADMA meets once a month on a Tuesday, close to the 24th of each month, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, except during the summer. Our meetings consist of praying the rosary and ADMA prayer, spiritual formation, and spiritual direction from our Salesian Spiritual Director. Mini retreats are held three times a year, from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm. They consist of celebration of the mass, a talk from our Salesian Spiritual Director, offering of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and conclude with a shared lunch. For additional information, ADMA’s bulletins of formation and information can be read on its Turin website in all major languages. Contact:
Youth Ministry-Based Confirmation ProcessEvery year in September, the Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto invites youth in Grade 7 to consider making their Confirmation. Here at St. Benedict, we are proud to offer a parish yout ministry-based Confirmation preparation process. Our youth ministry-based Confirmation process was developed according to the guidelines provided by our Archdiocese. It engages parents and children in various gatherings including a family interview, catechetical sessions, a commitment ceremony, a faith-sharing breakfast, and a retreat. The youth ministry-based Confirmation process is for a youth in Grade 7 who: is baptized in the Catholic Church or other Christian Church regularly receives to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion participates at Mass weekly at St. Benedict Church on Saturday evenings or Sundays has an active experience of prayer in the family and receives religious education at a Catholic school Confirmation is celebrated in the Easter season as close as possible to the feast of Pentecost. Registration forms are available at the parent meeting each September. Contact: Antoniette Pace
Salesian Family CommissionThe Salesian Family is made up of various groups that derive their origins and spiritual identity from the life, works and charism of St. John Bosco. In Toronto, the Salesian Family includes the Salesian priests and brothers (SDB), the Salesian sisters (FMA, Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice or, in English, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians), Salesian Cooperators, Devotees of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), Don Bosco Volunteers (DBV), Salesian Lay Missioners (VIDES), Salesian Past Pupils. The goal of the Salesian Family Commission is to strenghten the network of people who belong to the Salesian Family, to encourage them to deepen their faith and to grow in their service to society in the spirit of St. John Bosco.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Atrium)In a space known as "Our Atrium", children gather in small groups to be in a place of simplicity and order, prayer, work and community. Using beautiful objects and wooden materials, the children come in contact with the liturgy of the church, scripture and sacred history. The richest teachings are presented to the youngest children and a solid foundation is set. Over the years, as they grow in faith, the children are helped to know God and to enter into the mystery of Jesus Christ. Come and see if you’d like this opportunity for your children! Level I (ages 3-6), Level II (ages 6-9), Level III (grades 4-8). Contact: Contact the office by email at or call 416-934-3400 ext. 511 . Resources Archdiocese of Toronto link to Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Continuing Education Certificate Programs: Catechesis of The Good Shepherd, University of St. Michael's College
Faith & FamilyFaith & Family is a process of faith formation and immediate preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. The program serves children and youth, ages 6-18 who: attend mass with their family at St. Benedict Church, are baptized or not yet baptized with at least one Catholic parent, attend public school or private school, require ongoing faith formation and preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation Faith & Family sessions are scheduled for 20 weeks from October – May. Gatherings are held on Monday evenings in the parish hall: 6:45 pm - 8:30 pm. Registration takes place August and early September. A supplies fee provides the required books and materials. Contact: Antoniette Pace 416-743-3830 X4.
MagnificatMagnificat is a ministry to Catholic women; women already active in the church or returning to the practice of the faith. Its purpose is to nurture and foster in women openness to the Holy Spirit through a deeper commitment of their lives to Jesus as Lord. As a Mother Chapter in the Toronto Archdiocese, Magnificat is based at St. Benedict. Rosary Blanket of Prayer Schedule & Explanation Magnificat Toronto Chapter Link to Central Service Team Website: Magnificat Internet Prayer Ministry (MIPM) Our Magnificat, Toronto, Mary, Cause of our Joy, Chapter is a participant in our Magnificat Region INTERNET PRAYER MINISTRY. This apostolic undertaking invites us to offer ourselves for prayer petitioning our God on behalf of our brothers and sisters in need. It is our hope that many will receive healing, hope, strength, consolation and blessings through the prayers of the women of Magnificat. To Request Prayer To offer a prayer of intercession or thanks, send a brief email to: Your request will be sent to all participating Magnificat chapters for prayer. Kindly keep your prayer request brief. A sample prayer appears here: From Jane Doe – Toronto, Canada: Healing for John Jones who was admitted to the hospital for surgery. To Offer Prayer To offer prayer, simply include the Magnificat internet prayer intentions in your regular personal prayers. To receive the published MIPM intentions, send a simple message to indicating your interest. For example: I would like to include the prayer intentions of MIPM in my regular personal prayers. Kindly email me the published prayer requests. Magnificat Breakfast History: Mary, Cause of our Joy Chapter, Toronto
Mother's GroupCatholic Mom's Group Are you a Catholic Mother looking to share and be inspired by your faith? Mom’s today are so very busy! Often moms work full-time, drive kids to and from extracurricular activities, and help with homework, cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping. Trying to find just a little bit of time for themselves is sometimes difficult. How would a busy mom find the time to go to a Catholic Mothers Group? What are the benefits of joining a group? Come meet inspiring Catholic Moms and find resources and encouragement! Whether you are a mother of small children, teens, or adults, a grandmother, godmother, or spiritual mother, the St. Benedict Mother’s Group welcomes YOU to join our monthly meetings. Come and pray with us. For more information about meetings please email Rema, Rita, or Bernadette at St. Benedict’s Catholic Moms Group is part of a network of Catholic Moms Groups in partnership with the Archdiocese of Toronto. You can often find Rema blogging at
RCIAThe RCIA is for any nonbaptized adult (18+) seeking life in the Church through preparation for and celebration of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and eucharist. An adult who has been baptized in another Christian Church and seeks full communion with the Catholic Church also undergoes a time of preparation. The sessions provide suitable catechesis, time for reflection, discernment and fellowship. Their Christian background and experience is respected throughout the process. They do not celebrate the rites with the unbaptized. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults provides appropriate rites for the baptized seeking full communion. People wishing more information may contact the parish to arrange to meet with the pastor and parish representative who will assist them on their journey of faith. Contact: Antoniette Pace
Salesian Co-operatorsThe Association of Salesian Cooperators is a public Association of the Faithful founded by St. John Bosco in 1876 open to lay men and women and diocesan clergy. Members share in the mission of St. John Bosco by bringing his Salesian spirit and style of apostolic work into their families and places of work. They contribute to the good of society and the Church and take a special interest in the human and spiritual welfare of young people. The Salesian Cooperators of St. Benedict’s welcome any lay Catholic, 18 years of age or older, who desires to discern a vocation to the Salesian family as a Cooperator. For more information on this journey of personal holiness in the spirit of St. John Bosco, contact:
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