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Parish Groups

Faith Development

The gift of faith is given to us through the grace of our baptism. This is God's gift to us; its a gift that we need to keep nurturing as we mature.  St. Peter rightly encourages us to always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have... (1 Pt 3:15).

As we get older and life's questions become more complex, we cannot simply draw on the faith answers we learned in our youth. Very often, our life situations have "out grown" the faith answers we have readily available. The risk, then, is that we reject our faith as "irrelevant". In reality, our faith is always relevant; it is an inexhaustible resource, but our knowledge of it may not be sufficient. Indeed, the more we nurture our faith, the better it will guide us and sustain us, and ironically, the less complicated our life situations become as we see them in a different light.

Faith Development is an invitation to deepen our knowledge of the Catholic faith. St. Benedict Parish offers many opportunities for Faith Development. Which one suits you best?

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© St. Benedict Parish  | 2194 Kipling Avenue  |  Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada  |  M9W 4K9

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